Saturday 25 May 2013

Get to know; Agnella!


Occupation; University student, studying Management with Foreign Languages.

 Age; 20! I'm a 90's baby and proud!

What is your middle name?  I do not have one! I think a double barrel surname is quite enough.

What are you passionate about? I love languages, travelling, make-up!

Do you have any fears? I don't really think about that often, but I fear anything happening to my loved ones, or being buried alive!

Top three places to visit? Oh, this is a though one! I would love to visit Venice, Helsinki and....Moscow!

How many siblings do you have?   I have 2 older brothers, and 2 half sibings.

Where are you from? I am from the UK!

First career you wanted as a child? I can't really remember, probably something totally bizarre!

What’s your sign? I am a true waterchild - a Pisces! <3

Future names of your children? Oh my...It is a bit early to think about this, but I like the name Leo for a boy, and Noelia for a girl.

Do you believe in fate/destiny? Uhm..yes, yes I do! the world is mysterious place, so watch out!

What are your career goals?  To be in a job I look forward to getting up for every weekday!

What is your favorite color?    Purple

What is your favourite make-up brand? I love Benefit, and Maybelline.

What was your first make-up  purchase? Oh my gosh!! we are talking around 8 years ago! It was probably a little eyeshadow set from Tesco's or something!

What was the first concert/show you attended?  McFly, I was a die hard fan.

Something you are working on right now? My self-esteem, and having a positive attitude; keeping my head up no matter how sad I feel.

Have you ever had a near-death experience?  No, and I hope I never do!

Are you a procrastinator or do you get things done early?  Such a is unbelievable.

Left or right handed?  Right handed!

Favourite Film? The Lion King, I know it is childish, but it is a classic!

What is your relationship status? I am in a reationship, with an amazing guy (:

Last movie you watched.? "Rumour has it..." with Jennifer Aniston.

A book you want to read/have recently read? Oh I haven't read for fun in a long while...I have been reading compulsory Uni books for exams! SUCH FUN!

Love, A! xo

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